veteran support

BIRKE supports Danish veterans

Fire politifolk med PTSD blev udvalgt af Thin Blue Line (TBL) til at deltage i en rehabiliterende tur til Brasilien.Niels Christian Holmgaard Opstrup, som er veteran fra Balkan, leder et unikt forløb, hvor deltagerne kommer væk fra dagligdagens pres og kan fokusere på træning, sund kost og god søvn og ikke mindst opbygge samhørighed blandt deltagerne. 

Dagligdagen stod på morgenkardio, styrketræning og sociale aktiviteter samt oplevelsesture i Brasiliens natur med trekking, snorkling og rappelling. Alt sammen for at styrke netværket og skabe et tæt bånd bland deltagerne der rækker ud over turen. 

Thin Blue Line Denmark blev officielt stiftet i december 2026, som er en forening med det primære formål at støtte skadede politifolk. 


Veteran shooters was founded by one of Denmark's most decorated veterans, Jacob Panton, who was badly wounded by the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2012.

Jacob founded the association Veteranskytterne to create a community for wounded veterans who could no longer be in active service. Today, the association has over 100 members and offers activities for wounded Danish soldiers and their families.

"Our intention is to build community and good experiences for the wounded veterans and their families. It is not always easy to create a new life and find a new identity after life as an active soldier. We help and support each other when
life hurts"

At Birke, we are proud to support veteran shooters.

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Denmark's veterans

Denmark's Veterans helps and supports vulnerable veterans and their relatives.

pure wod

Birke has supported Denmark's Veterans through the sale of Rene WOD t-shirts.