"Those were some of the best months of my life".

In 1996, Nicolai Bergmann was in the Patrol Division, where he spent a period of approx. 1 year was trained by the Jægerkorpset. Nicolai has shared his story with us, and we have borrowed his old BIRKE anorak, which was originally designed and produced especially for the Patrol Division.

The patrol division consisted of four patrols, whose members were all conscripts and had themselves applied to serve their conscription in this special unit. Each patrol consisted of a patrol leader, a scout, an explosivesman, a radioman and a sanitary man. The unit was trained by fighter soldiers and the training included both combat swimming and parachuting.

Special edition of the BIRKE anorak for the Patrol Division in 1996.

"You learned so much about yourself, your limits and how much they can actually be pushed"

The training also included exercises with other special units, where, among other things, they trained pick-up with a helicopter. After graduating, some applied to join the Jægerkorps, while others applied for deployment. For Nicolai, it was three deployments before he ended up driving a tank in Oksbøl and Skive, where his time in the defense ended - but he still carries the good memories with him.

“We got the running anorak up there and it held up insanely well. Not much care was taken with it, as it was used in connection with both orienteering and extreme running as well as shorter and longer runs. Many times, however, also just as an everyday jacket, because it is practical, takes up nothing and weighs nothing - and you are also a little proud of it, even if others do not know what the brand on the chest stands for," concludes Nicolai.